Ensaio sobre o Liberalismo
A Política pode ser um ensaio. Como ela está omnipresente, aqui fica a minha localização nestes Ensaios.
A Declaration of Brussels 1946, feita por partidos liberais europeus depois da II Guerra Mundial, é uma realista carta de princípios políticos.
Declaration of Brussels 1946
16th June 1946
1. We assert our faith in the spiritual Liberty of Man. We oppose every form of Government which fails to guarantee to all its people liberty of conscience, liberty of the press, liberty of association and of the free expression and publication of their beliefs and opinions.
2. We oppose every reactionary or totalitarian form of Government. We assert our faith in political liberty and democracy. No country is democratic if it fails to safeguard the fundamental rights of the human personality, personal freedom, the right of free criticism, the recognition by the Government of its responsibility towards its People, the independence of the administration of Law and Justice, and unless its political form is based on consent which must be conscious, free and enlightened.
3. Convinced as we are that the suppression of economic freedom leads inevitably to the disappearance of political freedom, we affirm our confidence in an economic system which respects private initiative, the spirit of enterprise and responsibility. We oppose those solutions which place all the National Economy in the hands of the State and we assert that it is possible to avoid economic anarchy and at the same time maintain the essential forms and habits of Freedom. Conscious as we are that political liberty cannot be separated from the well-being and progress of Society, we desire to see established everywhere a system of Government which shall be democratic in its economy and in its form and which, on the one hand, progressively and in conformity with the special conditions in each country, associates the workers with the benefits and the administration of all enterprises, and which, on the other hand, safeguards everyone against want, disease and unemployment.
4. We believe that war can only be abolished by a World Organisation, including all Nations, great and small, under the same Law and Equity. World peace and universal Economic prosperity demand the free exchange of goods and services, the free circulation of men and of capital, the abolition of all barriers to the complete economic relations between states, and, in the interest of the consumers the creation of a form of control over cartels and monopolies whether national or international.
5. Finally, we assert that our aim is to develop among men a faith in education and in the value of character, to give them a sense of liberty and responsibility and to fit them for service to their country and to mankind, and we assert that, in view of the growing danger of political and economic tyranny, the free man, endowed with a social and international conscience, is the hope of the world.